The Nesting Magpie

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Time to begin...

{Clockwork orange-?}

Have you ever walked into somewhere and thought “Why this is what my imagination looks like!”? I have. Infact, I have been lucky enough to walk into four branches of what I call “MY shop”,  but most of you may know as Anthropologie. I am a self-confessed Anthropologie obsessive. I love it, I need it. Heck, I’m such a fan that I even have a degree in Anthropology! (Real talk, true story, yo.)
{This was so effective! A huge wall display made of random household objects that had been made into clocks.}

It’s wise/ curious, old world/ fresh, cosy/ fantastical. Well spoken and well travelled.
The store displays were just so gosh-darn inspiring; I would approach a window-shopping trip with the same intense appreciation as I would a trip to an art gallery. Is that weird? Prolly.
{A grouping of roughed up mirrors. Can be so easily recreated using flea market finds.}

{Sweet. <3 }

Last summer, I was lucky enough to spend time living in New York. While I was there blogger, author, all-round lovely lady Holly Becker held a workshop and book signing on the wake of her and Joanna Coopstick’s wonderful decorating book (aptly named) ‘Decorate’ at the Anthropologie store in SoHo. I think Holly really changed the interior design world with her blog Decor8. I’m a huge fan and a daily-visitor. I mean, I’m a broke country girl-- I don’t have easy access to the real-life world of design, nor do I have a little black book of designer contacts at my disposal. I’m like most people, y’know. I do, however, have a laptop, an internet search engine and a curious mind. And with that, I can find some inspiration and be a very, very small part of a community I love.
{The mood board Holly used in her demonstration. The board itself was covered in grain sack fabric and bordered with yellow measuring tape.Would make a cute notice board.}

{Even their counters are cool! The frames of distressed furniture is encased in plaster.}

Sooooo, I have wanted to start a blog for a long time, but the only thing that really stopped me was my lack of computer skills. But you know, I figured everything’s daunting until you try it. And with the help of some online tips and advice, here I am. ‘Living. Lovin‘. Eh, Homing‘-?! I saw how Holly’s blog, and the many, many others could brighten up my day and inspire ideas that readers literally live around and thought “I‘d love to do that. I‘d love if some random person in some random part of some random place and randomly stumbled across my blog and it kinda cheered up their day…”
{An autographed copy of 'Decor8'.}

So I’m giving this a try! I think I’m really gonna love it, because hey, it cold be my only chance to get my thoughts out into the big, bad world. That world, however, may be only like five people… :/ But you know, “quality, not quantity”! I would really love to hear your thoughts, so please comment and help me along! Tell a friend! Follow! Make your self a cup of tea, sit down and give me a chance to share my thoughts with you.
{Plate poetry. What a lovely way to cheer up your day than reading a love poem as you take dessert? And this is a total DIY idea. A white plate, ceramic paint, a steady hand and a writer's mind! Or, for those of us who aren't so progressive maybe just copy a favourite song lyric or quote!}

{I loved this idea! Vintage baking tins used as light pendants.}

If you have stayed until the end of this long-ass post, I really appreciate it. I can be a bit of a talker, I’m sorry. But you know; I also appreciate other talkers, so please follow and comment- I’d really like that.

Greetings, love and sparkles, L

{Holly Becker and I.}

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