{Clockwork orange-?}
{This was so effective! A huge wall display made of random household objects that had been made into clocks.}
The store displays were just so gosh-darn inspiring; I would approach a window-shopping trip with the same intense appreciation as I would a trip to an art gallery. Is that weird? Prolly.
{A grouping of roughed up mirrors. Can be so easily recreated using flea market finds.}
{Sweet. <3 }
{The mood board Holly used in her demonstration. The board itself was covered in grain sack fabric and bordered with yellow measuring tape.Would make a cute notice board.}
{Even their counters are cool! The frames of distressed furniture is encased in plaster.}
{An autographed copy of 'Decor8'.}
{Plate poetry. What a lovely way to cheer up your day than reading a love poem as you take dessert? And this is a total DIY idea. A white plate, ceramic paint, a steady hand and a writer's mind! Or, for those of us who aren't so progressive maybe just copy a favourite song lyric or quote!}
{I loved this idea! Vintage baking tins used as light pendants.}
If you have stayed until the end of this long-ass post, I really appreciate it. I can be a bit of a talker, I’m sorry. But you know; I also appreciate other talkers, so please follow and comment- I’d really like that.
Greetings, love and sparkles, L
{Holly Becker and I.}
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