The Nesting Magpie

Monday, 23 April 2012

LOVE= Tracy Porter's Poetic Wanderlust.

I have many inspirations. All of whom I admire for many different reasons, and have influenced me in many different ways. From Dolly Parton and Martha Stewart to my dear mother, or the girl who sat beside me in class when we thought we knew it all. My daddy always taught me that you can always learn something from everybody, and I think he's right. But with some people, I definitely learn a lot.

As I've gotten older, I've started to appreciate the commitments women make in order to enjoy a balanced family life and career-- and for struggling everyday to make it possible for themselves, and for proving it's possible for others is, itself, something that amazes me. About a year ago I came across a homeware/ fashion designer, business woman, author, mother and wife named Tracy Porter whose charm and bubbly personality draws you right it to her world, and before I knew it, Trac (yep, I just nicknamed her 'Trac'. I just went there.) and I became imaginary BFF's (well, I felt the connection anyway. She may not have known of my existence but whatevz, still counts!) I LOVED reading her blogs, watching videos and drooling her designs that- as a broke-ass student on a whole other continent- were a tad out of my reach. But man did I wish-list! 

One can only imagine how excited I was the other day when I saw that Tracy had commented me on her site telling me that for a twenty-one year old I had "a lot of soul", and that she was "proud of me already". *Tear* Nobody ever writes sweet things like that anymore, but I think that's just Tracy's generous nature. Like seriously, it might sound lame, but I am a very excitable person, and when I'm a fan, I'm really a fan. Damn, I was like an eleven year old at a Biebs concert. I went back later to, like, FRAME the comment and hang it on my wall (I kid. Well, sort of...) and I was so upset to see that a bunch of the comments had got lost. Maybe it was all just a figment of my imagination... If so, my life has dropped to a pathetic new low.

I was beyond excited to hear that Tracy and her company have evolved and re-branded under the name of Poetic Wanderlust. A pretty name, yes? The line is all so beautiful that there is, literally, not one thing I don't love. It's all so bohemian and quaint, and looks like it has traveled both geographically and through time. I'm so inspired by how her designs are so well-studied and how she embraces all parts of the world, and of life in her collections. I can't wait to see this line grow, and I wish Tracy and her wonderfully talented team every success. But y'know, as a young woman and a design hopeful, on a personal level, I appreciate the trail Tracy has set. It's no easy feat to mastermind both a company and a family (and as I'm learning oh-so difficultly keeping one boy happy is a freaking achievement; nevermind five!!) She's an inspiration to me for that. It's lovely to see it can be done.

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