The Nesting Magpie

Friday, 14 June 2013

Diary of an Interior Design Intern

So after finishing up my course in Interior Architecture and Design for the summer, I was lucky enough to be offered a place interning with Martin-Hudson & Gibson Ltd. in Dublin's sandy, covey, and aptly named, Sandycove. I could not have asked for a better location to work. Not gonna lie, eating lunch by the sea with ma amie francais, and fellow intern, Julie makes be feel like I'm well on my way to the good life.

So what does one do as an interior design intern? A lot of different stuff. The little element of unpredictability in the bizz means no two days are alike. And for maybe the first time in a job, I really look forward to going to work, and know I won't be bored. At every turn there's a new little discovery, and no matter how insignificant something might seem, I take comfort on knowing that little-by-little I'm building up a knowledge of the industry that unfortunately college can't teach you. And being 55 years in business, it's good to know that I'm working with a company that's obviously doing something right.
The other day I was asked to write a blog entry on the company website based on a collection of company documents dating back to the early 1960's. 
And I did the shop window display. (Not a great picture, but this at least this snap documents my window display AND a rare glimpse of sun in Ireland.)
And on my train ride home, I made some lists in my forever-to-keep "This is what I did as an intern, so this is probably what I should do as a designer when I grow up and become a designer." notebook. I'm hoping this notebooks serves me well. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you!
    We did a great job in the shop and I like so much our lunch time in front of the sea! :)
